8.6.12 August harvest

Another batch of radishes, Cherry Belle and Cincinnati Market, spicy from the heat, and the end of the first planting of carrots, a mix of Napoli and Red Core Chantenay.

The parsnips, called Andover and planted for overwintering, needed thinning and yielded a handful of slender baby ones.

We collected Fairy Tale and Orient Express eggplant all week, and finally had enough on hand to make this.

Coming on strong: cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, green beans, eggplant
Still harvesting: fennel, favas, kale, chard, salad greens, arugula
All at once: beets, carrots, radishes

In the wings: more carrots, radishes, tokyo turnips
See you in the fall: parsnips, celeriac, leeks, beets, carrots, potatoes, winter tomatoes, winter squash

8.20.12: A big welcome to those of you visiting from Bonbon Break, thanks for dropping by! Make sure to also visit Daphne’s Dandelions, where she hosts Harvest Monday, a weekly gathering of gardeners to show off what’s being harvested, and how it’s being used or saved. Harvests may ebb and flow with the change in seasons, however, there’s camaraderie in knowing others around the world are growing food in whatever space they have available, whether it’s on a balcony or windowsill, in a container or raised bed, or an entire lawn converted over to cultivation.

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21 Responses to 8.6.12 August harvest

  1. Patsy says:

    Your harvest looks just beautiful! How was the roasted eggplant salad? I just printed the recipe because it looks delicious.

    • leduesorelle says:

      The recipe was delicious indeed, makes for a great summer eggplant dish! Works pretty much as written, just make sure to leave the garlic chopped in big chunks, smaller pieces burn. I used mint instead of parsley, toasted sliced almonds instead of the smoked (the paprika was smoky enough), and left out the cheese.

  2. Norma Chang says:

    Gorgeous harvest especially your carrots and eggplants.

  3. kitsapfg says:

    The pile of beans is impressive! Love the beautiful squashes, tomatoes, and eggplants too.

  4. dvelten says:

    I’m really jealous of your eggplant. I also planted Fairy Tale but I doubt I will get any because of the flea beetles. But the recipe sounds delicious. Time to hit the farmers market so I can try it.

  5. Linda says:

    A beautiful harvest! The carrots and green beans look great…even the eggplant is gorgeous…and I don’t like eggplant! Lol.

  6. jenny says:

    Beautiful harvest, especially eggplants, carrots and beans!

  7. Mark Willis says:

    Your photos make the veg look even better. They are amazing! (I mean the veg as well as the photos).

  8. pooks says:

    Great photographs. Such a wonderful blend of colors!

  9. Oh my! What a wonderful sounding recipe for eggplant. I just love eggplant.

  10. zentMRS says:

    Just a gorgeous array of colors in your harvest!

  11. Dave says:

    We love our Fairy Tales! I had some for lunch, grilled. That salad sounds interesting. I confess to buying eggplants in the off season too! The Asian market often has quite lovely ones in winter.

  12. What a beautiful harvest! It looks like you got a great harvest of eggplant this week!

  13. GrafixMuse says:

    Lovely harvest photos! Eggplant is so pretty. I only grew one plant this year and may only get a few fruit. The recipe you linked to looks yummy. I may have to visit our local farmers market this weekend :)

  14. Orchidea says:

    Wow… how beautoful carrots and eggplants and the beans.

  15. Michelle says:

    Your photos are a feast for the eyes, and I bet the subject matter is tasty. I hope my eggplants and tomatoes are half as beautiful when they finally start coming in.

  16. azita says:

    What a gorgeous bounty! Love the photos.

  17. Pingback: Backyard August 20 2012 | Bonbon Break

  18. Gorgeous harvest!! I love the carrots, I’ve never had luck with mine. Thanks for the beautiful photos and the chance to visit your garden. Also, thank you for letting us link to the post and feature you in this weeks issue of Bonbon Break, we know our readers are going to love this post and your site as much as we do!

  19. Pingback: Backyard Sept 3 2012 | Bonbon Break

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